Wednesday, April 6, 2016

3D Game Lab - Essential Knowledge 1.A.2 - Moth Simulation


22. Explain how the color of the moths increases or decreases their chances of survival.

Moths that are able to blend in with their surroundings are the ones who have the best chance of survival since it is harder for a predator to spot them. Dark moths will thrive in dark forests while light moths will do well in light forests.
23. Explain the concept of "natural selection" using your moths as an example.

Natural selection is how a species adapts to changes in its environment by having only the most beneficial traits be passed on. In the case of the pepper moths, when in a dark forest, the population of dark moths increased since dark moths were able to mate and produce offspring before being eaten, while light moths were quickly spotted and eaten by predators. After multiple generations, it is likely that the majority of moths will be black instead of white due to how the environment has impacted natural selection of the moths color.
24. What would happen if there were no predators in the forest? Would the colors of the moths change over time? Defend your answer?

If there were no predators in the forests it is likely that both black and white moths would be prominent throughout either forests. It is unlikely that the colors would change over time since both black and white moths will be able to reproduce with no predators hunting and killing off the most easily spotted moths.

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