Wednesday, April 6, 2016

3D Game Lab - Essential Knowledge 1.A.2

Using any of the examples cited above in the quest, explain and justify how an evolutionary change in a population is related to a change in the environment. What role do humans play in this change? What is the impact in the future of this change?

As the climate on Earth changed to one that was more suitable for humans, humans strayed from the nomad life and began to settle down. However, they faced challenges from predators such as wolves. Humans then began to employ the method of artificial selection to domestic wolves. Humans picked the tamest of all of the wolves and allowed those to reproduced. One the other hand, wolves remained under the care of humans because this meant being fed regularly and always having a food source. Over the years, as only the tamest wolves were allowed to produced offspring, the offspring inherited genes that were considered favorable by humans, such as looking cute, being loyal, and being tame. Over thousands of years, with this artificial selection wild wolves were bred into being what today we know as dogs.

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